The English Tiddlywinks Association ref. E2

Key to the Bonham Recording System

The Recording System was first described in Winking World 5, and further illustrations have appeared in subsequent WWs. This is a complete list of the abbreviations etc. as they stand in Summer 1964.
r small red out from base
R large red out from base
➞ moves towards the pot
⇸ moves away from the pot
➞ • • • moves towards • • •
⇸ • • • moves away from • • •
↓ leaves the mat
t tokens
x • • • squops • • •
m • • • misses• • •
x comes off the top of the pile
x • • • frees • • • from the pile by desquop
↳ • • • dives under • • •
↘ • • • bombs • • •
Δ adjusts, consolidates or positions.
• • • f • • • is freed. Used with various ’action’ shots, becoming … Used after involved desquops etc.
the pile of 3 winks whose top one is small green. g(g3) the small green on top of such a pile.
.Rg4 the pile of 4 winks whose uncovered ones are large I’ed and small green. R(Rg4) the large red on top of such a pile.
b[Y5] the small blue inside a pile of 5 winks whose top one is large yellow.
m-pot tries to pet, but misses pots pots successfully f.t,3 free turn no. 3 T. hf Time Limit
? and ! are used as in Chess; meaning a bad or doubtful shot, and a good shot, or tactics, respectively.
Note 1. Any approach of a wink by an opposition wink is considered as an unsuccessful squop, and the notation …m… used.
Note 2. The term r x Y4 is understood to mean that red covers the top wink;
the pile becomes r5. Similarly . ..Y4 (where … is any action) may also be written …Y(Y4).
However the term Y(Y4) … is not abbreviated to Y4 …
Special notation /
/ near. Within about 75 % chance squopping distance. Nearness to the
opposition indicates probably being squopped. The use of / is shown in the examples below.
The comma One shot may have more than one action to describe. Thus, r V b2
is the first action, and b s might be the second action. These are separated by a comma., thus r “V b2, b k is the complete shot, leaving three separate winks. Another example -— say red fires from base and leaves the mat. This is r, whereas r + would be a small red already in the playing area being fired off the mat. Again, blue out from base and squops green is b, x g
The semi-colon is used to separate two shots, e.g. y pots; y m-pot
The space The position of the space when / is used is vital; it is best shown
in the examples below.
Subscripts r2* the pile r2 that was formed first. r22, r23 etc.
yellow fired fron base landing very far from the centre.
r, /b = red fires from the base and lands near small blue, r/b x g = red that was near blue squops green, r A /y2 = red positions himself near y2
r/yg x g = the red equally near yellow green squops green.
r/b m y/g4 = the rod near blue misses the yellow near g4. r m y, /g4- = red misses yellow, landing near g4. r m y, /r/b – rod misses yellow, landing near the red near blue.
An E. Tw. A- publication.