- Publication Title: Newswink
- Whole Number: 12
- Publisher: North American Tiddlywinks Association
- Publication Date: 14 February 1981
- Editor: Rick Tucker
- Number of page sides: 19
- Preparation: Typewritten on 8½” by 11″ sheets
- Production: Printed on both sides; black and white
- NATwA archives artifacts: Original typewritten pages with paste-up illustrations; digitized images of original printed pages
- Date updated: 17 August 2022
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- (2022-08-17) Add tw-divider widgets between articles
- (2022-08-17) Add table of contents in Toggle widget
- (2022-08-17) Add list of people mentioned
- (2022-08-17) Add abbreviations used
![[+template:(Tucker Tw ID • [+xmp:title+] — publisher • [+iptc:source+] — title • [+xmp:headline])+]](https://tiddlywinks.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/1981-02-14-Newswink-12-page-01_cropped-image1-scaled.jpg)
14 February 1981
An official publication of the North American Tiddlywinks Association
Special tergiversative issue
“Edited” by Rick Tucker
Competition, Statistics, & the Future of NATwA
by Larry Kahn
Over the past several seasons there appears to have been a steady decline in the activity of the so-called “established” winkers. Some people have become completely or partially boondocked but there are others who have been around but just aren’t playing as much. While the reasons for this decline are quite varied, I often hear such things as “the game just isn’t as fun anymore”, “Some people are just here to pad their stats”, or “I wish the games weren’t so serious”. These are probably valid complaints because at least half of the regular season is devoted to some sort of championship or the Easterns, which is usually a pretty serious tournament. Newcomers also seem to have some difficulty in coping with these types of tournaments.
Let’s also look at the statistics aspect of this. Right now almost all tournament results find their way into the statistical history of NATwA. Personally, I like statistics because they lend themselves to numerous interesting discussions although few real conclusions. I look on the present state of NATwA as comparable to baseball in the late 1800s and hopefully someday tiddlywinks will be played on a much broader scale. If this does happen it may be important that we have an accurate and unbroken record from the beginning. It’s already fun to look back on games and seasons 10 years in the past. However, statistics aren’t for everyone and there should be soe tournaments just for fun. Previous fun tournaments such as the Scholastics and to some extent the Westerns have had a very high enjoyment quotient. Perhaps the highest level a winker can attain is to play all games the same, regardless of whether they count or not. I probably won’t ever be able to completely do this, and for most people there will be some difference. In some cases the differences will be large, and for a few people, very small.
As a possible compromise and to increase total winking I propose something like the following: Right now we appear to have centered around 7 “stable” tournaments that happen every year: the HOTT/Harvest, 2 regionals, Continentals, BIT, Pairs, and Singles. These tournaments would be defined as something like [note: continued on page 8] “Official NATwA Statistical Tournaments” and would be treated as they are now. I think we should be a little more conscious of scheduling these tournaments more in advance so people can make definite plans if they want to go.
Other tournaments & get-togethers should be encouraged, particularly within the Boston & Ithaca regions. There are enough people in these areas to have good turnouts & if someone wanted to show up from out of town it would be a bonus. To generate some interest in playing some fun, semi-serious winks why not try out some new and unusual formats.
How about a duplicate winks tournament, to be run much like a duplicate bridge tournament. A team of four tournament in which all possible pairings must be used would enable small groups to play as a team. Ideally there would be four teams, each team changing its pairings after each round.
Another possibility is “designated shooter” in which if a shot comes up that one partner can do better than the other, he or she can take it no matter whose turn it is. Hopefully this rule would not be abused in which case the game degenerates to where one person plays everything and the other just watches.
I’d like to see a match in which the time used to shoot is relevant somehow, like in speed chess. That ought to take care of people like Lockwood and Mabbitt.
There are numerous possibilities including such old standbys as boondock and triples.
I hope this article generates some interest in improving the NATwA season so that more winkers will get and stay involved. Tournaments such as the Scholastics and this year’s Westerns were big successes in terms of winker enjoyment. “Official” tournaments should remain to satisfy that (occasional) statistical craving and to keep our records continuous. I don’t ever plan on putting my squidger down and hopefully there are enough of you out there who feel the same way to keep NATwA going.
by Sunshine
The 1980-81 winx season has thus far been a very poorly attended one—the HOTT, Westerns, and Easterns each setting match records for least games played. Many factors are responsible for the decline, such as a poor communications network, boondockment, and possibly a reverse reaction to last year’s boom (resurgence at MIT and Cornell and a Somerville revival). What we have is a changing NATwA in terms of location and priorities of its members, a more Continentals-oriented season (regionals not “counting”), but [note: continued on page 9] few new players and a match schedule that has not adapted.
More active communications could help. The poorly publicized HOTT (= the oldtimers still call it that =) led to a very small October field but did point out the future need of a Regional Coordinator (Ross Callon). Lack of a coordinator in Ithaca contributed to the absence of the Toads at the Westerns. However, even had winkers been well-informed about those matches, attendance would probably not have markedly improved and for sure would not have approached last year’s level[.] (Approximate games played totals for the fall the last 3 seasons are: 1978-102, 1979-183, 1980-59).
So who is NATwA and what does it want.
At this point we’re looking at a 6 teams of 8 Continentals, about 50 players. Maybe 20 from the Boston area, 10 from Ithaca, and 20 spread around elsewhere. What is desired by each of these sectors? Last February winkers were asked to comment on what they thought about the Continentals (see Newswink #11). Maybe we need such feedback on the season in general. Larry has made some alternative matches suggestions (see front page article). I offer some additional starting points for these comments.
In Boston little winking takes place outside of matches and MIT meetings. Perhaps a revival of the old TBL—’The Boston League’—could be attempted. In the spring of 1974 volunteers for captains held a player draft to establish teams of 4, going slightly across team lines. Matches were played either at MIT or at winker homes. Such a league would give the opportunity for non-winking interaction (dinner, etc.) and could also serve as a low-key breeding ground for novices (friends who were not interested in breaking in at a competitive NATwA match, etc.). An Ithaca League along the same lines could also be considered. The questions are: would winkers be interested in such activity, and would anyone be willing to facilitate the inception of the leagues.
And what about the scattered contingent. The real boonies (mainly Relix) must resort to air travel and are probably only available for the Continentals no matter how we change the winking season. There is a group of players (mainly Ohio and Chickens) who can travel but time, distance, and other priorities make attendance of more than the Regionals and Continentals unlikely for all but a few. These winkers should comment as to what, if anything, could change this condition, and whether future attendance at the Regionals is in jeopardy. And then there is the Alliance—players willing and able to travel if there were matches to attend. NYC and DC have small winking factions, not large enough to support match play within themselves (what is the critical ‘winkers mass’?) and to this point, unable to create/find many novices. Perhaps reduction of winking interest in Ithaca and Boston concerns these winkers more than it does the players in our traditional winking centers. Haverford (near Philadelphia) is being considered as the site for the 1981 Continentals. Should (could?) it also be thought of for a spring match for the NYC, DC, and Ithaca sectors?
In summary, let me say that we know there is less winking going on—smaller matches and few novices. Is this a problem or an acceptable direction for NATwA? I suggest that team leaders attempt to find out what their teams think about it all, that individual and group preferences be written/verbalized for discussion at this year’s Continentals.
Fading-Out, Burning-Out, Recruitment, Gratitude, Competitiveness, Compromise, and the Future of NATwA
by Fred Shapiro
Over the past 3 years I have probably been more involved with the different aspects of NATwA organization than any other winker. Through these activities I have gradually, sometimes painfully, learned a lot of things about the way NATwA works and the prospects for future development of our game. I would like to take Mr. Kahn’s article as a point of departure for communicating some of the lessons I have come to accept.
Larry mentions a [note: continued on page 10] steady decline in the activity of established winkers. This is an unmistakeable and ominous fact. Taking the list of the 20 players who have played the most tournament games as a good compilation of the most long-term “dedicated” winkers, we find some strong indicia of how widespread this trend really is. Of these 20 veterans, one has completely retired from NATwA (Craig Schweinhart) and one is apparently taking a leave of absence (Dave Barbano). One is virtually unable to be involved due to boondocking (Jim Marlin) and three have their activities severely limited by boondocking (Bill Gammerdinger, Charles Frankston, and Scott Hirsh). I see significant declines in activity in recent years on the parts of Ferd [Wulkan], Bill Renke, Joe Sachs, and Indian; and Sunshine, Severin, and myself appear over the long run to be waning in interest. Bob Henninge and mary kirman are probably limited in their winks involvement by geography, and Rick Tucker will probably feel the effect of partial boondocking as well. This adds up to as many as l6 of the 20 most veteran winkers probably heading downhill in involvement.
I will have more to say on this trend, but let me switch for a moment to the question of expansion, or more precisely the recruitment of new winkers. I wrote a long letter for the May 1978 Newswink setting forth a kind of gospel of expansionism, and sent out in the fall of that year a rather embarrassing letter announcing an expansion-oriented candidacy for SecGen, There’s been a lot of water under the bridge since then, and I now view expansion as virtually inconceivable in the current order of things. The number of people in NATwA willing to do any work toward expansion is never more than about a half-dozen; more importantly, it is damn hard to force recruitment however hard you work at it. last year myself, Rick, Ross Callon, and Arye Gittelman made an all-out effort under the most propitious circumstances to restore MITTwA to a self-perpetuating basis, but, according to reports I hear from Cambridge, this attempt appears ultimately to have failed. Cornell’s idea of a new recruit is a High School graduate who enrolls there. Ithaca High School is the only reliable source of novices we have at this point, although Bob and mary have done a notable job of bringing some new people into the game in recent years.
To quote Ross, what does this all mean? It means that if older players fade out, they will not be replaced so easily. There are only a handful of newcomers each year; more importantly, since Joe in 1973 there have been very few newcomers who have stuck around to be major presences in NATwA, Arye being the foremost example. In the face of the fading-out trend discussed above, we’re not talking about expansion, we’re talking about maintaining the current scope of the organization. Since veterans that fade take with them not only their individual presences as other games-playing bodies at tournaments, but a wealth of experience and commitment with regard to sporting skill, general enthusiasm and organizational savvy, it is that much harder to replace them. How would you replace a Sunshine or a Joe? I am not even talking here of the tremendous personal qualities of such people, only of their importance to NATwA in terms of enthusiasm and energy and knowledge-ability. Of course, the personal qualities, which play the biggest part in making the game what it is and encouraging others to stay in, are irreplaceable in an absolute sense. In summary, every veteran we lose is a major loss.
The causes of the general fading-out trend are varied and inevitable. Boondocking is inevitable as time goes on; you cannot stay very active in NATwA outside the Northeast no matter how hard you try. As people get older, they have more responsibilities and demands on their time; our interests diversify and change. In terms of people’s lives, these developments may be natural; in terms of the future of NATwA, they are ominous.
Other long-term trends pose equal threats to tiddlywinks’ future. In various ways, the people who have kept the organization going have become disillusioned with such work. Over the last three years four people have done over 95% of the work in NATwA. I cannot speak for Rick or Joe or Dave Lockwood, but I myself have become somewhat frustrated with working for NATwA, and I suspect they may know what I am talking about. It might be in the future self-interest of NATwA to recognize that it is wise to cooperate with, to encourage and occasionally to thank the people who do the necessary work which all of us benefit from.
So, to the extent that Joe has dropped out from organizing and I intend to to a large extent and others may [note: continued on page 11] have less willingness than in the past, this is a long-term threat. Someone has to reserve the rooms and make the phone calls and sell the equipment and put out the Newswinks or the organization will wither. Equipment is of course the overriding long-range threat to the future of winks? I am told that even the new winks are mysteriously running out now. This threat, however, has been extensively discussed and I have nothing to add to what everyone already knows about it, except to say that I hope that when the moments of real crisis hit there are people around willing to do the work necessary to ensure the continued supply of sets and mats.
So, Larry, you are right that we need to think about how to keep NATwA going. The points you raise tie in with what I have said as follows: there is so much else going on tending to undermine the continued involvement of the veterans who are the backbone of NATwA, we don’t need to add to these factors the element of disillusionment which many, probably most, veterans feel at the over-competitiveness of tournaments. We must provide outlets for winkers who want to get together and play relaxed games. This can be done through low-pressure, imaginitive-format tournaments. Probably these must not be “official” “statistical” tournaments, because some winkers will always get hyper if their stats are implicated.
Probably also this must be done in some form at the Continentals. As I write this (Dec. 4) I do not know what the format of this year’s tournament will be, but I think some of the comments on the sheets at last year’s Continentals, emphasizing the spirit of compromise and flexibility so that “all winkers big and small” can get out of this, our major tournament, whatever it is they look to winks for, hit exactly the right note.
Puzzle Perversion
by Larry Kahn
Fill in the blanks with winkers’ names or winks terms. Warning: some clues may be obscure. Reading down, the boxed letters spell out a message. For clues, the starting letters are listed elsewhere in this issue.
1 More of these winkers than any other _ _._._ 2 John B. _ _._._ 3 Pitty town _._._ _ _ _ 4 1.5 pair _._._ _ _ _ _ _ _ 5 Top chick _ _ _ _._._ _ _ 6 Don't clown around _._._ _ 7 Potbound _ _._._ _ _ _ 8 Sideways squop _ _ _._._ _ _ 9 Colored winker _ _ _._. 10 Winks stadium ._._ _ 11 Wink sink _ _ _._. 12 Dive! Dive! Dive! _ _ _ _._._ _ _ _ 13 Mottob _ _._. 14 Mixed-up Fred ._._ _ _ 15 Watergate _ _ _._._ 16 Wink press _ _ _ _ _ _ _._. 17 Honcho _ _ _ _ _._. 18 Cleveland team _ _ _ _._._ 19 Variation of 4 _ _ _ _ _ _._. 20 Some winks just ain't got it ._._ _ _ 21 Occasionally can be your opponent _._._ _ _ _ _ 22 Winks rag _ _ _._._ _ _ _ 23 Lobdell special _ _ _ _._._ _ _ _ 24 Down in the _ _ _ _ _ _._._ 25 Pile mover ._._ _ _ _ 26 Get me out _ _ _ _ _._. 27 Veg-o-maniac _ _ _ _ _ _._.
Answers to the Puzzle Perversion.
Dewrinkling and Dyeing Winks Mats
by Larry Kahn
I have had good success in getting a lot of the wrinkles out of cross cut mats and also in dyeing the new mats gray. The method is still somewhat under development and you prabably [sic, should be probably] shouldn’t try it without talking to me first.
Rick Tucker found that a dye such as gray Tintex gives an excellent color. I used about 3/4 of a package emptied into a bathtub that is nearly full. The mat is then loosely rolled and placed in the water. Once in, it becomes waterlogged and WILL STRETCH if lifted out of the water. In water, it is nearly weightless and won’t stretch if you’re careful.
I have had some problems in getting a completely even tint because the mat will have air pockets that must be pressed on by hand to completely saturate them. The biggest problem remains in how to get the mat out and onto the flat pressing surface without stretching it. After trying this twice, I believe the solution is to get a tube such as a mailing tube, but waterproof (maybe plastic) and roll up the mat while it’s still underwater. Then drain the tub, press out the excess water, and roll out the mat on the pressing surface. I am currently using hollow core doors for this.
After the mat is flat, take a rolling pin and run it down the mat, pressing out the excess water. Then let it dry (a few days) and it’s as good as new. For cross-cut mats you should roll them up with the preferred side out since wrinkling of that side is thereby reduced. This is because in a rolled mat the outside is in tension and the inside is in compression.
The first time I tried this I had some stretching so I cut off the excess. This doesn’t appear to have harmed the mat so don’t be surprised to see a few mats with slightly irregular borders. I believe this problem can be completely solved by finding a suitable rolling tube. The second time I used a mailing tube there was a big improvement, but the tube got soggy.
Again, I wouldn’t advise anybody to try this out before talking to me first.
by Matthew Solà
Laidback winks appears to have made at least a small comeback in the Western Regionals this year. The Toads proved themselves the least worried about the outcome by not showing up at all, making the way easy for a quiet tournament. We’re sorry they missed the kind of match they prefer but it was precisely their absence that made the tournament enjoyable. Those remaining were the High School, Cornell, & ECA (aka Dave and his Megalomaniacs). Teams of four played cheerily with the full knowledge that the tournament couldn’t possibly count (= I guess you have to quadrumanous to count it. =), one-upping the East’s post-Western randomizing of regional standings last year.
What made the tournament most pleasant for the fun-in-winks contingent was its brevity. There were one and 1/2 rounds totalling 6 games completed between 10 and 5:30 on Saturday (= 8 November 1980 =). Tempers remained calm as there were no major time pressure disputes about lateness, long lunch breaks, or electronic-quarter-eater time-outs. Even normally intense players (Dragon…) showed unusual ability to play seriously without getting hyper about bad position or missed shots. While playing with a rookie against Doug Young and me he started with very poor position and was quickly trapped by a threatened blitz in heavily protected territory. A strategically tight game by both sides kept Dave and partner Nathan largely underneath. But Dave’s late round potting and my lack of it after Doug and I missed some simple squops in early rounds gave them a 4-3 victory. In that game I proved to be the more volatile player, duplicating the famous “Schiller Shatters Squidger” after missing a 1/2″ squop. (Should anybody find a 1/4″ square of red squidger at North Campus I would appreciate its return.)
I am a strong advocate of ‘keep the game friendly’, ‘play hard and seriously’ and ‘to hell with the score’. But for the extraordinary pleasantness of this last tournament I had begun to think that laid-back winks was on the wane and my retirement was inevitable. Maybe this was not the ideal way to have a Western Regionals, but it was reassuring to think that this type of match could happen. Perhaps now I can postpone my departure from the game.
Clues to puzzle on page 2: [first letters of each clue word]
1D, 2G, 3I, 4P, 5S, 6B, 7N, 8B, 9B, 10M, 11P, 12S, 13P, 14F, 15S, 16S, 17S, 18I, 19K, 20W, 21P, 22N, 23H, 24B, 25G, 26P, 27S.
1980 Easterns Report
by Fred Shapiro, Esq.
The 1980 Easterns, on the 6th of December at MIT, continued the recent trend of tournaments with record-low turnouts, as only 21 people showed up and, as happened at the Westerns, a 6-game quad format was forced by universal team shortages. Nonetheless, the match had a high enjoyment quotient and provided a model for how a relaxed, friendly team tournament might be conducted. Probably the only purpose of a Regionals nowadays is precisely to have a low-key teams tournament, anyway.
For the record, the newly-formed Alliance won handily with 54 1/2 points. MIT, in the absence of enforcement of singles penalties, edged Relix for second place, 41.4 to 41. MIT now leads Relix by .23 in their recent series of photo-finishes. Chickens placed fourth with 31.1 (= the editor of this precistent journal, dodecaNewswink, butts in to remark upon the unnatural team scores. See article, Sapience vs. Lyssophilia =).
In individual trivia, Ross Callon played a truly impressive tournament, going 5-0 for 29 points. Dave Lockwood extended his NATwA unbeaten streak to 16 games, going 5-0-1, 32 1/2, and Fred Shapiro, Esq., was 5-1, 30. Larry Kahn needed a 6 in his last game to extend his record streak of consecutive tournaments with over a 4 ppg to 22 (since the 1976 BIT). Dave and Larry tied Bill Renke and Ferd, only the second tie in almost 500 games for Dave, and, for Bill, his first since, believe it or not, [the] 1970 BIT.
Pay Time Limit
by *
A new concept in timing winking was unveiled in Ithaca in September. For a mere penny, winkers were granted an hour time limit by Matt’s strange device.
The Secret Squop
a short story contest
Your nonchalant editor often hears murmurs of mesmerizing fiction anxiously awaiting appearance in triskaidekaNewswink. Details elsewhere this issue.
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Brooklyn, New York
4 March, 1979.
Dear Mr Shapiro and Mr Tucker,
Your enquiry in the New York Review of Books of 25 January has come belatedly to my notice.
When I was in the fourth term at Wolverhampton Grammar School in 1947, the Rev. Mr Edgar Ambrose Willis joined the school staff as instructor in religious education. It was that gentleman, I believe, who was subsequently responsible for the adoption at Oxford and Cambridge of tiddlywinks as a serious pursuit.
As a teacher, Mr Willis did not have much success and he stayed only one term: he was an utter failure as a disciplinarian, and that combined badly with his fervent seriousness on a subject that nobody cared anything about, his peculiar and exaggerated upper-class accent, typical of a product of St Paul’s School (like, for example, General Montgomery), and his smooth, bald, rotund appearance (his friends all knew him as ‘Eggs’).
However, he gave tea parties and ran holiday parties at Oakley Hall School, Cirencester, On those occasions, his large collection of games was a prominent feature, notably tiddlywinks. It was in keeping with his out-of-classroom air of earnest jollity that he took an apparently frivolous game so seriously; he had formulated his own version of the rules (he called them the Queensberry rules), together with their technical terms. The only one I remember was ‘drop-kick.’ However I read some years later (late fifties?) a newspaper account of a Cambridge tiddlywinks tournament with which Mr Willis’s name was linked; on that occasion Prince Philip, in one of his well-known humorous moods, made some remarks that incorporated terms from the Queensberry rules.
The pursuit of tiddlywinks at Oxford and Cambridge is not surprising, since it is in a way the epitome of the typically (especially at Oxford) undergraduate affectation of studio in otio.
In combining religiosity with the study of some rather surprising branch of worldly or frivolous knowledge and with a, to coin a phrase, homoerotic bent, Mr Willis was probably one of a breed found more frequently earlier in this century and more often in the Catholic and Anglo-Catholic variety of religion. He was, I believe, a Baptist. There was an obituary for E. A. Willis in the London Times, possibly in the mid-sixties.
I realize that I am vague about dates. I am afraid that I was not consciously storing this particular set of data for future reference.
For further information about the recent history of tiddlywinks, though this may sound like an unlikely suggestion, you might try sending your inquiry to the correspondence columns of Private Eye[,] the satirical magazine which you are no doubt acquainted with.
Yours truly
Anthony Lloyd
Ramblin’ Dave Raves
by Dave Lockwood
English Singles ’80
The ETwA Singles had an overlaid sense of predictability but underneath, the world was topsy-turvy. The predictable portion was Jonathan Mapley, the 19-year veteran, racing through the field easily. He was 19-1 for the weekend, losing to Cyril Edwards on the second day to make the tournament look interesting. Mapley has lost 5 of his last 60 match games, a streak that began at the ETwA Pairs last April. Jon is once again a challenger for the World Singles and at this point, should be favored to win it from Pam Knowles
or The Dragon who play each other in early 1981 at the Greene King sponsored match.
The upset nature of the also-rans is worthy of note. Duncan Budd, a member of the Latymer Upper School Tiddlywinks Society, averaged a point in the finals and did very well to qualify in his first year of play. Geoff Thorpe, formerly at Cambridge, also displayed his recent improvement, beating Keith Seaman in the finals and tying Dave Lockwood in the preliminaries. Next up from the bottom was a surprise guest, The Dragon.
Ah yes, The Dragon. Jon Mapley asked Dave an innocent question in October: “Why do you win the World Singles but not the National Singles tournaments?”. A good question. While sparkling in World Singles in 1980 (3 wins, over Jon, Severin Drix, and Larry Kahn), The Dragon has been weak in the championships. The ETwA Singles was to be a proper forum for Dave to silence the critics. But … ’twas not to be. A good preliminary round (9-1-1 for first place in the division) was followed by a disastrous finals (3-5-1 with losses to Pam, Charles Relle, Keith (a gift), Jon, and Alan Dean) for an 8th place finish. Dave has an uphill battle in the World Singles again with challenges from Pam and now Jon outstanding.
In 7th place was another surprise: Alan “The Supreme” Dean. Alan has now won 50% of the 10 ETwA Singles championships; at one time he had won three of three. The aging superstar has not won anything major for a while. His last major win was the ETwA Singles ’78. Besides the victory against the 1978 NATwA All-Star team, Alan has the worst international showing of any of the world’s major players. He is 0-2 in World Singles, 0-1 in World Teams, and 0-1 in World Pairs. Quickly let me say that his reaching so many world championships is an exceptional achievement. His recent English and American performances would suggest future world championships may be rare.
The rest of the also-rans performed better than expected. In 6th was a “newcomer” … or at least a player who hadn’t played in a tournament for over two years. With Alan Dean gone north, Julius Mach, along with Mick Mooney (who barely didn’t qualify), are the best English winkers south of London. Julius, 5-4 for 32 1/2 points, is a veteran of the first World Teams in 1972.
In 5th and 4th were Charles Relle and the 1980 American Singles champion (though not titleist), Pam Knowles, with 33 and 34 points, respectively. Both nailed the Dragon for 6-1 victories to help their causes. The pack from 4th to 8th were only separated by 4 1/2 points.
The best of the also-rans were Cyril and Keith. Keith in 3rd with 38 1/2 points and a 6-3 record made his greatest impact since his victories in 1974 and 1975. Cyril, 6-2-1 for 42, was the major surprise of the tournament. After inflicting the only major loss of the weekend on Mapley, he led for a couple of rounds. His strong showing is a warning of greater triumphs in the future. However, his own predicted finish as of Sunday morning was 8th. Congratulations on a very good performance, Cyril.
In conclusion, a large field, some startling upsets, and the overpowering performance of Jon Mapley made this one of ETwA’s finest tournaments. Thanks are due to the Soton Club for hosting the event and to the various homes made available on Saturday night. While I don’t want to end on a negative note, I will because this is where my thoughts have led me. With attendance reaching these levels in singles play, we must work out better ways of handling the format. Twenty games in two days is TDM.
The Winks Equipment Crisis
by Larry Kahn
NATwA is getting pretty desperate for good new equipment and we can’t afford to delay much longer in our searches. Basically, the four areas of concern are pots, squidgers, mats, and winks.
Pots—The pots and mold we are presently using are quite adequate functionally, although esthetically I think they’re a real pile. Personally, I would like to see the rim thinner, the color less shiny and the sound a little less tinny. However, these are minor problems that you could just about cure with sandpaper and spray paint. Basically, the current pot supply is in pretty good shape.
Winks—The last batch of winks was pretty bad. There were three primary defects: grainy surfaces, varying thick-
nesses, and sharp instead of rounded edges. Everyone knows the effects of graininess and thickness but the sharper edges also pose a problem. The edges are so sharp that the trajectory of the wink has changed on pots and squops. The sharper edge gives a significantly higher trajectory, particularly when using sharp squidgers.
If the last batch was indicative of what we’ll get in the future then we probably have to find a new source. The best solution so far would be to try and get the mushroom winks £ made in West Germany ^ in a slightly larger size for smalls. Big winks are interchangeable. If it comes down to a choice, I think that using the smaller mushroom winks imposes less of a change on the game4as1 do the current new winks, although there is significant change in either case. Dave Lockwood and Joe Sachs, we really need your (Pan Am’s?) help in looking into this.
Squidgers—If the mushroom connection comes through we hopefully could get squidgers also. The squidgers we have been getting all along are probably OK and they can be flattened using the dewarping method of boiling.
Mats—Mats have become a serious problem. The new mats were too thin and if we order them thicker they will cost a lot more. It would be really nice if we could find an American source (= contact has been made with a New Jersey firm, samples to appear =). The material Rick Tucker found (= at Commonwealth Felt, Boston =) was somewhat reasonable although the felt seemed to be packed denser, thus giving a higher trajectory on all shots. Using those mats with new winks is impossible. If anyone knows of felt companies we haven’t contacted yet perhaps we should send them samples of our felt and see if they can match it. As far as I can tell, the springiness and winking quality of a mat is determined by the thickness of the felt and the density to which it is packed.
Assuming we can eventually solve these problems the only remaining one will be in finding interested new winkers to sell the equipment to.
And so it goes/A peek into the past
by Rick Tucker
The Easterns, a cross among hide-and-seek, musical chairs, and the Continentals, was once again acted out on 2-3 December 1978 in the MIT Mezzanine Lounge.
The ground rules laid down by Turkey Deluxe Josef Sachs regarding “B” division play were stringently enforced at 9 o’clock when only ½ the Harvard team showed. One of the games in the first round was played with one Real Winners player vs. zero Harvard players, and another with a Winner pair vs. Fred and thereby incurring a penalty of 1/3 of the points gained by Fred for the Harvard team score.
Later in the day, Mr. TD himself defied his own written words and played for MIT in addition to his Real Winners, crossing divisional barriers. While some thought the TD’s two 6s for MIT proved to provide the difference which resulted in Relix (who?) losing to the Chickens, the situation is much simpler than that. You see, while brave Relix played 4 of its 18 games with one player short, thereby incurring the penalty of 1/3 of the points earned in them, MIT deviously used its players multiple times against the same team. MIT, using this system, required only 5 players to play against the 5 Relix. Charles Frankston played in 5 of the 9 games vs. Relix. But the Relix, as it went, played one game in the penalty situation against MIT. There went 1 2/3 points. And so it goes.
The Chickens should be congratulated for the hexes, and that only Ferd played the full 6 games in the “A”. The Zoo players, Bill Renke (after a year’s absence from winks), TDI, and Barry Rogoff, after learning that their team would be filled out with Rick Tucker, switching from MIT after 6 years, and Fred Shapiro, whose Harvard players eventually arrived, and Tina Warren, who remained a member of Renaissance, quickly abandoned the old familiar name for “Relix”. John Radford of the Winners team (from the MIT fraternity AEPi) became the 5th winker in recent memory to come out with a tie in his [note: continued on page 11] first NATwA tournament game. The Chickens did not bring forth strange fruit such as persimmons and kumquats this match, but did show their strength and breadth with 9 winkers, equaled by the Winners.
A bevy of long-lost winkers arrived for the match. Invited by Fred were John Kernochan and Alfred Goldberg of the 1962 Harvard Gargoyle Undergraduate Tiddlywinks Society (GUTS), who came by to view the commonwealth of winks. Also invited by Fred were Paul Mailman, after 5 years of retirement, and Dan Bricklin, also after 5 years. Not invited by Fred was Steve Krasner, after 4 years in the ARW. The Harvard winkers of 1962 (pre-NATwA) did not play. Unnoticeably absent from the tournament was Mr. Dragonweed, undoubtedly off in Bangkok or Rio, or posing for centerfold photos to generate publicity for our game.
The final score was Real Winners 47, Harvard 16, and a nascent Boston University pulling off a 3.5 ppg in its 3 games. And I think the other division finalized out at Chicken Hearts 69 2/3, Relix 67 2/3, MIT 51 2/3. A good day for 2/3.
8/2/80 World Singles Report
by *
Dave Lockwood retains title 30-19, winning [the] last 3 games 6-1 to undo Larry Kahn’s 16-12 lead. Surprisingly, no games ended in a pot out, though early blitz attempts were mounted in most games. [The] Level of play was quite high for most of the match, peaking in [an] excellent 5th game that proved to be very important for D. L made many brilliant squopping shots but was hurt by occasional short misses and unreliable potting (only 4 for 10 in match, none very long). D made his share of outstanding shots, was sharper as the match progressed and kept the pressure on L throughout with his solid strategy. Play was slow—averaging 36 minutes for only 27 rounds per game. D utilized the 30 second rule on most shots during close games. The long play (7½ hours with a 1 hour lunch break), the strain of playing against D’s relentless play & strategy for so long, and D’s greater match experience (he peaks in 5th & 6th games, it seems, in Singles matches) proved too much for L as his play fell off sharply in the late games.
Records set in the match include 30 points (old record[:] Bill Renke 29 over *) and least winks potted (unofficially, only 11) and most coverage on NY evening TV (= as Drew Scott said on WPIX, “The Dragon made mincemeat out of Horsemeat. =), and most successful title defenses (n, where n is unreadable) (= Sunsch’s scrawl is bad enough, but a photocopy of it requires operose semiological travail; paralipomenamay appear in Newswink 13 if * informs me of the details; thus endeth this prolixhortatory =) Judge – Sev (substitution of Joe Sachs); Clock & notes – *.
- Tentative, very slow game as players feel each other out. L gains advantage; is heading towards 5-2 win but well timed late D surge and L pot misses helps D to a comeback 5-2 victory.
- L gains control, defends excellently against a strong D attack and many close squop decisions go L’s way as L holds on for 6-1 and 8-6 match lead.
- Tight game with D … blows open and L must respond to D pot threat, helping D to a strong position, inside track at a 5-2. Both players fail to pressure each other by missing pots and D’s 5-2 regains match lead, 11-10.
- Important game for L as D assumed fragile control. L kept on coming, outlasting D’s defenses and broke open game, winning going away 6-1 for biggest lead of match to this point, 16-12. Would have been easy for L to crumble midway through game; 6-1 for D would have put him in driver’s seat, 17-11.
- Best game of match, awesome number of seemingly impossible shots by both players. L would be ahead, D would make wonderful shot to threaten to gain control but L would respond with an equal shot. With 4 min to go L had easy shot to virtually nail down victory (possibly 22-13 lead) but missed the squop and D took it from there, capitalizing on each L mistake for a 6-1 victory. Difference of 6-1 and 5-2 gave D the lead 18-17.
- Strain of the battle tells on L and he starts to lose his sharpness as D gets stronger. Close early game goes strongly to D and he holds on easily for 6-1, threatening a control pot-out that could have ended match. L could not afford the consecutive 6-1s as he now trails 24-18 in match and is in the dreadful position of needing 7 against D.
- Early rolls off table all but sign L’s death certificate; he battles gamely but D gives him little margin of error; continues to play impressively and grinds his way to a 6-1 for a 30-19 margin and successful defense of title.
Vaticinal Vicissitudes
by *
Does Newswink need a ‘gossip’ column, or rather, reportage on things winkers are doing as people. Would the readership want to know about the building of solar (envelope) houses, of clumpsville, about union organizing, the demise of a long serving beloved vehicle, of job changes, dropouts and education completions, of pregnancies, of long distance romances, of recent-former-and-future marriages and the like. I hear of such things in my travels withing [sic, should be within] NATwA country; but should such confidences be printed? And what ever happened to the idea of a NATwA pictures & personal sketches type publication in which people could select their own gossip? Well, maybe by next issue I’ll have enough ‘interesting’ information to pass on.
Toads Spotted in Ohio Backwater
by Bob Henninge
It appears that the Winking Toad will again make its annual migration to the site of the Continentals in a population expected to be between five and eight.
Once feared extinct due to their mysterious absence from the recent unregionals, specimens of the Ohio Winking-Toad (xenopus winx) can again be heard, and occasionally seen squopping away in the glades and gullies of outer Appalachia. Sightings have been reported as far north as Columbus (Paul Henninge and Margaret) and Cleveland (Mac & Sue), but the epicenter of the phenomenon is the territory surrounding Athens, Ohio.
From the original Toad Farm in Wellston (Rich & Country) the population has spread east to Albany (BIG), Amesville (mary & Fuzzy), and Cutler (Bob & Roger). The underlined varieties have newly distinguished themselves by their seemingly inexhaustible clumpativity; indeed, most of the eastern varieties of Xenopus show a significant increase in the regularity of clumping activity*. Statistical analysis of these data lends support to the hypothesis that they’re up to something.
* Clumping is a term used to describe certain species’ tendencies toward grouping together into flexible but dependable mutual support systems. In some species, individuals may share territories and food sources; in others with higher clumpativity, they may even estivate and provide for their young in common. Toads have proven to be consistently amphibious about clumping, getting neck deep in it while keeping their feet on the ground. Tendencies towards clumpativity have recently been documented in wild turkeys and other birds of valor.
![[+template:(Tucker Tw ID • [+xmp:title+] — publisher • [+iptc:source+] — title • [+xmp:headline])+]](https://tiddlywinks.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/1981-02-14-Newswink-12-page-08_cropped-image1-1024x622.jpg)
by *
Last September, many NATwA members journeyed to Long Island to break a 6 year old record for most winkers dressed up for a formal occasion. However, a very different form of gathering took place the previous April in Canterbury, New Hampshire. Not since the days of Toronto debauchings had there been such an exhibition of degeneracy. In attendance were much of Somerville & the Relix, a few Chickens, and 4 long missing Torontians – RG [Roger Clarke], Goff [Jenkins], Myro, & Evets. Over the course of the weekend much food, beer, and other substances were consumed during the Pentathlon of continual game playing. The Relix dominated the bridge scene (duplicate team title; rubber bridge to TDl), FroIf [Frisbee golf] belonged to Toronto (RG, Goff running 1-3), and * captured backgammon and some game involving plastic objects. Individual honours went to TDI (9 points), * (8), and Bob (6). Unfortunately, no statistics were kept on ‘debauching’.
Addresses Unearthed Since Newswink 11
In & Dana Coöperson
(607) 277-4035
111 Dewitt Place
Ithaca NY 14850
Josh Standig
(617) 354-7885
13 Valentine Street
Cambridge MA 0213.
Newswink Editor: Rick Tucker
(301) 933-3840
2701 Woodedge Road
Silver Spring MD 20906
Fred Shapiro
(202) 332-7943
2612 Garfield St. NW
Washington DC 20008
Bob Henninge
(614) 989-5162
Wild Turkey Hollow
Box 26A Route 1
Cutler OH 45724
mary kirman
(614) 448-4141
P.0. Box 187
Amesville OH 45711
Margaret & Paul [Henninge]
(614) 888-3192
891 Highview Drive
Worthington OH 43085
BIG (Bob Placier)
(614) 698-6422
Box 99 Route 2
Albany OH 45710
Rich & Beth (Country)
(614) 384-4442
Humble Toad Tree Farm
Box 218 Route 3
Wellston OH 45692
Gred Gross
(216) 264-1953
5310 Overton Road
Wooster OH 44691
Bobbi Froscher
(607) 844-9566
State Route 13
Dryden NY
Carl ‘Spike’ Chenkin
(517) 372-4718
323 N. Sycamore
Lansing MI 48933
Beast Solomon
(215) 649-6581
Haverford College
Haverford PA 19041
Doug Young
(607) 256-1728
1553 High Rise #1 (North Campus)
Cornell University
Ithaca NY 14850
Draconic Ophiolatry
by Larry Kahn
This year’s Dragon Cup, held 17 January 1981 in New York City, featured a small but high quality field of Dave Lockwood, Larry Kahn, Sev Drix, Joe Sachs, and Ken Moraff. Matt Solà also showed up but only wanted to play random games. For a while it looked like the tournament (= non-NATwA, as per the polytypic triumvirate =) would be postponed but Dave was tired of polishing the cup and Sev said that he came expecting there to be a tournament held in two different locations, a NATwA first (= though once there were 2 NATwA tournaments on the same day in 2 locations. =)
A schedule was drawn up with games being “home” in Dave’s apt. and “away” at the MIT Club of New York, nearby. When S complained that his games alternated “home” and “away”, L remarked “Well, …”. Scores were reported by phone to each location.
The D-L game in the 1st round was close for the first half, but D made an excellent pile bomb with very unlucky results. This swung the game heavily to L who took a 5½. In the meantime, J was beating S 6-1.
In the next round L only got 5 off K after a controlled pot-out, and D got 4 off J in a close game where he possibly should have gotten more. When J & S got to D’s they found the telltale odor of that evil weed. S refused to play there … so the schedule was suitably arranged.
The next games saw L take a gift 7 from S; S had blitzed, got 5 in, but missed the 6th and Larry got it. J was upset 5-2 by K, who played very well throughout the Cup.
For the 4th round, D moved to the MIT Club and showed S that pot is better for you than veggies as he demolished him 7-0. This score was relayed to J & L in the middle of their game. L had tried to blitz, got 4 in, but both other winks were now squopped. J needed 7 to make the finals but excellent hassling by L and not so fine play by J left L still on top at the end, 4-3. In the final game, S took a 6 off of K but still managed to nail down last place.
By previous agreement, 1 final game was played since L was only ahead of D by 3 points (= I agree =). In this game, D started out well and it looked like he was headed for 6. However, after one big pile had been formed, L squopped it right in the middle;
D failed to get it. A really nice blow-up followed, essentially restarting the game. Near the end of regulation, L could easily get 3, though an adjustment in D’s strategy plus failure of his usually reliable potting made the final score L 5½ D 1½.
Larry 5-0 27 Dave 3-2 20 Joe 1-3 14 Ken 1-3 9 Sev 1-3 7
Everyone had a good time and many random games were played throughout the weekend. Hopefully next year’s tournament will have more attendance (and better accommodations).
Errata to Newswinks past
NW10 page 2 – Dave beat Alan 26-9, not 62-9
page 3 – David’s QCC total was 28.5 pts. throughout – Scott Hirsh’s last name’s not Hirsch.
NW11 page 2 – In How Seedy?, David’s final position was 10 (not 11), and Fred’s 11 (not 10).
page 7 – Yaraus’ patent was in 1928
page 8 – standard set-supplied squidgers are 1 7/l6″, not 1 3/8″.
page 9 – Windsor Button Shop is on Chauncy Street.
![[+template:(Tucker Tw ID • [+xmp:title+] — publisher • [+iptc:source+] — title • [+xmp:headline])+]](https://tiddlywinks.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/1981-02-14-Newswink-12-page-12_cropped-image1-1024x390.jpg)
by Fred Shapiro
Some of you may know that I have been, for the past two years or so, probably the leading American contributor to the Supplement to the Oxford English Dictionary. The OED, unlike other dictionaries with which you may be acquainted, illustrates each word with dated quotations using the word; they also attempt to find the earliest occurrence of the word in print that they can. So what I assist them in, principally, is uncovering early usages of various words.
I did become involved in this sort of work through by exhaustive researches, assisted by Mr. Tucker, into the history of that favorite word of all of ours, t———s. My focus has long ago shifted from winking words to other pastures, but I have always had the intention of assuring full treatment of certain words pertaining to our game in the Supplement. I have accordingly submitted a large number of quotations for these words to Oxford, probably enough to get some of our terms into the dictionary. From the Supplement we may hope that other dictionaries will pick them up. (One of the most interesting discoveries made by Rick and myself is that one term of tournament tiddlywinks, although an obsolete one, is already in Webster’s Unabridged. The noun “tiddler”, used by the early Oxford players, made its way via newspaper accounts of the Goons-era activities into Webster’s; if you look under “tiddler” you will find a sense meaning a tiddlywinks player listed.)
I list below draft entries for “tiddlywink”, “wink” as a noun, “wink” as a verb, and “squop” which I have prepared for the Supplement. Although these are only suggested ways of organizing my submissions which I am giving them for their guidance, it is probably [sic, should be probable] that entries something like these will appear in the published dictionary. I have tried to emphasize sound lexicographical principles rather than propagandizing for our game, although I have worked Lockwood’s name in. I think the entries are more or less understandable even if you are not familiar with the form of historical dictionaries, although I should mention that “sb.” means “noun”. It is possible that I can be convinced into doing similar work for “squidger” and perhaps other winking words.
![[+template:(Tucker Tw ID • [+xmp:title+] — publisher • [+iptc:source+] — title • [+xmp:headline])+]](https://tiddlywinks.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/1981-02-14-Newswink-12-page-13_cropped-image1-640x1024.jpg)
2.a. (Earlier example.)
1857 ‘Ducange Anglicua’ Vulgar Tongue 43 At knock’emsdown and tiddlywink, To be a sharp you must not shrink.
b. (Earlier examples.) Also attrib.
1889 Trade Marks Jrnl. 15 May 476 Tiddledy-Winks…Toys or Games. Joseph Assheton Fincher.
1890 N. Q. 18 Jan. 48 Lately a game has been introduced here bearing the name of “Tiddledywinks.”
1890 Amer. Stationer 18 Sept. 691 In “Tiddledy Wink Tennis” E. I. Horsman…has brought out a very pretty and lively parlor game.
c. pl. Fig., as the type of frivolous, useless, mindless, trivial or childish activity.
1919 Collier’s 8 Feb. 7 There’s trouble down there, and I’ve been playing tiddledy—winks on Broadway!
1947 Economist 4 Oct. 627 The storm was long predicted…yet when its first icy gust blew in the windows of the Cabinet room last February, it found the Ministers playing tiddleywinks.
1964 New Yorker 4 Apr. 147 Others seem to take little interest in the organized activities, describing them as “make-work” or “tiddlywinks.”
d. A small disc used in the game of tiddlywinks.
1891 J. K. Bangs Tiddledywink Tales 35 So Jimmieboy thought a great deal of his Tiddledywinks and had been playing with them nearly all that day.
1939 Steinbeck Grapes of Wrath 87 His front wheel struck the edge of the shell, flipped the turtle like a tiddly-wink, spun it like a coin, and rolled it off the highway.
Hence tiddlywink v. tr. and intrans., tiddlywinker sb. and tiddlywinking vbl.sb. and ppl.a. from sense 2b.
1969 P. Anderson Rebel Worlds 50 Your account indicates where and how to look for evidence that can’t be tiddlywinked away.
1958 Sports Illus. 31 Mar. E6 Each tiddlywinker plays with two large and four medium-size winks.
1971 Ottawa Citizen 6 Feb. (Canadian Mag.) 24 He loves the game so much that in 1967 He played in a 67-hour tiddlywinking marathon.
wink. sb. =TIDDLYWINK sb. 2d
1891 Amer. Stationer 19 Feb. 389 An elegant layout for a progressive game of “Tiddledy Winks.” The set… comprises… four “wink pots” of polished box wood.
1958 Manch. Guardian 10 May 1 Cambridge came along sporting their club ties—light-blue cup with winks rampant on a dark blue background.
1978 People 27 Nov. 138 He devotes hours to the winks.
pl. =TIDDLYWINK sb. 2b
1942 R. & L. Freeman Cavalcade of Toys 366 Back in 1903 “Battle Winks” was a popular game.
1962 Harvard Crimson 6 Nov. 3 (heading) Crimson Winks Squad Downs Two Opponents.
1971 Phil. Eve. Bulletin 13 Feb. 8 At stake is the prestigious Kitchener Cup, presented to continent-wide winks champs by a radio station in Kitchener, Ontario.
1978 Southern Echo 18 Jul, 11 Winks can be played forehand or backhand.
wink. v.
To play the game of tiddlywinks. Hence winker sb., winking vbl.sb. and ppl.a.
1955 Nabokov Lolita 21 This is all very interesting, and I daresay you see me already frothing at the mouth in a fit; but
no, I am not; I am just winking happy thoughts into a little tiddle cup.
1958 H.R.H. Prince Philip in Times 2 Mar. 16 At one time I had hoped to join my champions, but unfortunately, while practicing secretly, I pulled an important muscle in the second or tiddly joint of my winking finger… Wink up, fiddle the game, and may the Goons’ side win.
1958 N.Y. Times 9 May 28 The Cantab Winkers, who claim the world championship (nobody else has), play the Oxonian Tiddlers in Oxford in a dual meet.
1971 Ottawa Citizen 22 Jan. 24 Generally “winking” has been a male pursuit.
1978 Chi. Tribune 14 May 1:44 Lockwood, who now… reigns as North American champion, was not a born winker.
squop (skwɑp), v. [Etym. unknown] In tiddlywinks, to play a wink so as to cover another, thereby preventing the covered wink’s being played. Hence squop sb., squopper sb., squopped ppl.a. and squopping vbl.sb. and ppl.a.
1958 Times 2 Mar. 16 At one point, in fact, Mr. Harry Secombe squopted his own captain, who observed irritably that he was a Charlie.
1959 Chr. Sci. Monitor 29 Mar. Cambridge achieved many squops by covering opponents’ winks.
1962 N.Y. Times 5 Aug. 23 It was in squopping that the British excelled.
1962 Time 14 Sept. 58 A squopped wink cannot be squidged again until it is de-squopped, either by the original squopper or by a squopped player’s partner.
1977 R. Sharp & J. Piggott Book of Games 165 The owner of a squopping wink, when freeing such prisoners, must ensure that his squidger first touches his own wink.
Snippety Snatch
The Oxford (= Chess =) club has also asked the Blues Committee for a half-blue but it has been turned down on the ground that if halfblues were given in chess, the bridge and tiddlywinks chaps would not be far behind.
Sports Illustrated, 28 Feb 1972, page 72
The voyage is not Severin’s first into the world where fact and fantasy mingle.
Once the figure of Sinbad appeared in my mind that has totally dominated me.
International Herald Tribune, 7 Nov 1980
Return of Stats Rampant
by Fred Shapiro
Best Season Records
Note: In discussing season records winks statisticians customarily exclude the “prehistoric” seasons prior to 1970/71; the 70/71 season itself was transitional from a statistical viewpoint and should perhaps also be excluded.
ppg wl% w-l-t 5.38 Bill Renke 72/73 .851 40-7 5.16 Larry Kahn 79/80 .825 33-7 5.10 Larry Kahn 77/78 .821 32-7 5.05 Sev Drix 70/71 .820 50-11 5.04 Ferd 70/71 .810 34-8 5.03 Joe Sachs 78/79 .800 48-12 5.02 Sev Drix 78/79 .800 39-9-2 5.02 Bob Henninge 70/71 4.89 Sev Drix 74/75 4.80 Larry Kahn 76/77 4.80 Ross Callon 79/80
Most 200-point seasons: 6 Sev Drix, Dave Lockwood
Most consecutive 200-point seasons: 5 Sev Drix 74/75 to 78/79
Most 30-win seasons: 8 Dave Lockwood
Most consecutive 30-win seasons: 8 Dave Lockwood 72/73 to 79/80
Larry Kahn 79/80 Ferd 70/71 Bob Henninge 70/71 Bill Renke 72/73 Sev Drix 78/79 Ross Callon 79/80 Larry Kahn 77/78
Most 40-win seasons: 3 Dave Lockwood
Best Result in Each Tournament
(this & the Most of each tournament table made possible by a grant from the Sunshine Corporation)
HOTT/Harvest: Bill Renke & Craig Schweinhart 1972 6-0 36½ points Westerns: * 1972 9-0 57 (best single tournament score ever) Easterns: Bob Henninge 1979 8-0-1 48½ Continentals: * & Bill Gammerdinger 1974 10-2 64 BIT: Ferd 1970 9-0 53 Pairs: Bob Henninge & Ferd T. Bull 1971 10-0 62 Singles: Bill Renke 1973 7-1 45
Most of Each Tournament Played In
HOTT/Harvest (10 in all) 10 Moishe 9 L, Dave Lockwood, Don Fox, * 8 Rick Tucker 7 Ferd, TDI, Fred Shapiro, Charles Frankston, Larry Kahn, Bill Renke Easterns (ll) 11 Ferd, Bill Renke 10 *, Don Fox 8 L, Moishe, Dave Lockwood, Bill Gammerdinger, TDI, Craig Schweinhart, Rick Tucker, Joe Sachs, Nan Brady Westerns (ll) 9 Dave Barbano 8 MP Rouse, *, Sev Drix 6 Phyllis Barbano, Dean Solomon, Joe Sachs, Jake Solomon 5 Moishe, Carl Chenkin, Dave Lockwood, Bill Gammerdinger, Larry Kahn, mary kirman, Matt Solà Continentals (l4) 14 Ferd, Bob Henninge, * 13 Moishe, Sev Drix (attended all but played in non-counting B division in 197l) 11 Dave Barbano 10 Bill Gammerdinger, MP Rouse, Bill Renke,Jake Solomon 9 Dave Lockwood, Tim Schiller, Scott Hirsh[,] Larry Kahn, mary kirman, Don Fox BIT (10) 9 Dave Lockwood, Ferd, Bill Renke 7 Bob Henninge, Rick Tucker, * 6 Moishe, Craig Schweinhart 5 L, TDI, Charles Frankston, Joe Sachs, Larry Kahn, Don Fox, Nan Brady Pairs (ll) 11 *, Sev Drix 9 Ferd, Bob Henninge, Larry Kahn, Dave Lockwood 7 Joe Sachs 5 Moishe, Dave Barbano, mary kirman, Charles Frankston, TDI, Rick Tucker Singles (9 in all) 9 Sev Drix 7 Dave Lockwood, Joe Sachs 6 Bob Henninge, *, Larry Kahn 5 Ferd, Charles Frankston 4 Rick Tucker, Jim Marlin, Fred Shapiro
Longest Streaks without Scores
(based on material supplied by *)
7 Don Fox 247, mary kirman 152 5½ L 127 4⅔ * 4l8, Larry Kahn 405, Joe Sachs 369, Rick Tucker 336 (last 3 still going) 4½ Bill Renke 211, Sev Drix 209 (both at beginnings of careers) 3½ Dave Lockwood 417, Bill Renke 406 2½ * 201 2⅓ Dave Lockwood 478, Bill Renke 419 (both still going) 1½ Craig Schweinhart 208, Carl Chenkin 170 (at beginning of career), Sev Drix 167 & 155 0 Bob Henninge 260, Craig Schweinhart 233, Scott Hirsh 202 (last 2 still going)
* had 67 consecutive integral scores
Most of a Score in a Season
(based on material supplied by *)
5 Dave Lockwood 12 in 1974 (= 1973/74) Don Fox .243 in 1975 4 * 12 in 1973 Rick Tucker .227 in 1976 3 Bob Henninge 12 in 1973 Moishe .237 in 1977 mary kirman 7 of 18 2 David desJardins 15 in 1980 Ferd .238 in 1974
TDI 12 in 1976 Lee Cousins .319 in 1971
2 Janmead
Witham Essex
9 December 1980
Dear Rick,
I have been meaning to write to you for some time to congratulate you on Newswink— an excellent production job. With Christmas and a new decade approaching, please convey my good wishes to everyone in American winks—we all look forward to the ’81 tour. When British winkers gather over a pint or three talk often gets round to that incredible 21-7 seventh round in the ’78 international.
As you guys seem to like statistics, how about adding mine to the record books? In the last three ETwA championships (79 singles, 80 pairs and singles) my record is 46-3, 5.54 ppg. Can anyone beat a 12 game 77 point sequence (in this year’s singles)? This year’s tournament was almost as surprising as yours, if only for the placings of Dean 7th and Lockwood 8th. Dave’s last four games were 3, 1, 1, 1 and no one on this side of the Atlantic has ever seen him play so badly. Pam (= Knowles =) will play him in the Greene King sponsored match (extra publicity for a woman) and I’ll play the winner.
Jon Mapley
Proposed Shot Judge Policy
by *
While attending a match, one will sometimes hear a cry for ‘Shot Judge’. In the past this meant that someone was about to try an important shot on an intricate pile late in a game, and that if not done carefully, the shot would be illegal and destroy the pile. However, in recent seasons I have often seen a shot judge be requested for shots that were very unlikely to be illegal or damaging (to piles) and that these requests were made repeatedly in a single game. I’ve spoken to several winkers who have found this policy to be quite intimidating and disruptive—affecting both play and enjoyment level for the rest of the game. I propose that when someone wishes a shot judge that they first ask the partner of the shooting player to play that role and that a 5th person be called in only when the partner declines (or during rounds). I believe that this would be less disruptive of the game and that it would represent a much more friendly/trusting approach to winking.
Sept. 18 1890, page 691
In “Tiddledy Wink Tennis” E. I. Horsman, 80 William street, has brought out a very pretty and lively parlor game, which will furnish sport for tennis players during the season when they are debarred from exercising their skill in the open air. “Tiddledy Winks,” as originally brought out, is full of amusement, but the new game is infinitely more engaging, and, besides, it offers a considerable field for the display of nice calculation and skill.
![[+template:(Tucker Tw ID • [+xmp:title+] — publisher • [+iptc:source+] — title • [+xmp:headline])+]](https://tiddlywinks.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/1981-02-14-Newswink-12-page-17_cropped-image1-1024x476.jpg)
The accompanying illustration, which is taken from the box cover, will give the reader a very good idea of how the game looks when laid out for playing. The court is a parallelogram of thick green felt, marked off with white lines in exact imitation of a regular tennis court. Each player is provided with a large bone counter termed a “racket.” A number of small bone disks represent tennis balls. Special rules are provided which differ little from regular tennis, and singles and doubles, as well as three handed games, may be played.
Persons who are unfamiliar with lawn tennis may become conversant with the rules by playing “Tiddledy Wink Tennis,” and thus be able to master the out of door game much more readily. The game is learned in a little while, and will be found one of the most lively and amusing of the many offered for parlor sport. A cup and the full number of counters for the regular game of “Tiddledy Winks” is provided with the new game. Dealers should send for descriptive circular at once.
From the American Stationer, 9 October 1890, page 850
E. I. Horsman, 80 William street, is wearing a 7×9 smile these days, notwithstanding he has set the whole world by the ears with his “Tiddledy Winks” tennis, and dealers are fairly tumbling over each other in their haste to get orders in early. Mr. Horsman thinks that the “Tiddledy Winks” games have made the best hit of any he has ever brought out. At any rate, he has had to roll up his sleeves and help get out orders.
He cannot manufacture the games fast enough, however, to keep up, and has adopted the plan of sending a dozen to dealers who order a gross, and one single game to him who orders a dozen, and filling the hiatus with liberal promises. He is increasing his facilities for manufacturing, and hopes soon to be able to fill all orders promptly.
The 30 October 1890 issue, page 1017
E. I. Horsman, 80 William street, has been caught in a whirlwind of orders for his two favorite games, “Tiddledy Winks Tennis” and “Halma.” He has had to provide a separate book in which to index orders, so that they may be found in the order books without loss of time, a plan he has never before been compelled to adopt. One apartment of his establishment is given up to printed matter for gratuitous distribution concerning these two games. Games are in high favor with the trade this fall.
The 4 December 1890 issue, page 1307
“See that bundle of letters?” said E. I. Horsman, the great “Tiddledy Winks Tennis” promoter, 80 William street. “Well, there are sixty-five of them, every one orders for my favorite game, and they have got to be answered before I go to my dinner, because the writers must have their orders filled before Christmas, so they say, and we are so behind that I must personally beg them to exercise a little patience in the matter. ‘Tiddledy Winks Tennis’ is a great thing, I tell you, but I cannot stop to explain why just now. Come again— after the holidays, when the rush is over —and we will confer together on the subject.”
The 18 December 1890 issue, page 1412
The dealers are still worrying the life out of E. I. Horsman, 80 William street, about “Tiddledy Winks Tennis,” although it must be said he preserves a wonderfully comfortable appearance and smiling countenance for a man who thinks of “Tiddledy Winks” all day and dreams about it all night. He declares, however, that he believes people will go right on buying the game regardless of the close of the holiday season, and he thinks there will be no rest for him until every man, woman and child in the United States has one, and he is afraid that by that time Europe will have heard of it, and he will have fresh troubles trying to understand what they want. However, he does not look as though he would mind a babel of tongues very much if “Tiddledy Winks” was involved.
![[+template:(Tucker Tw ID • [+xmp:title+] — publisher • [+iptc:source+] — title • [+xmp:headline])+]](https://tiddlywinks.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/1981-02-14-Newswink-12-page-18_cropped-image1-1024x214.jpg)
From the Encyclopedia of Associations, 15th edition, put out by Gale Research Company, 1980, page 1141, volume 1
C/O MIT Tiddlywinks Association, Rm. W20-401
77 Massachusetts Ave.
Cambridge, MA 02139
Phone: (607) 687-6545
Arye Gittelman, Sec.Gen.
Founded: 1966. Members: 100. Tournament tiddlywink players. Promotes the growth of the game; provides a framework for all levels of competition and ensures the availability of regulation sets and mats. Sponsors informal and formal matches including Continental and Collegiate Team Championships, pairs and singles matches. Maintains archives of tiddlywinks publications, media reports, tournament records and statistic[s] and historical research notes. Publications: Newswink, annual; also publishes Rules of Tournament Tiddlywinks and songbooks. Convention/ Meeting: annual congress – 1981 Feb. 14 (location undecided).
From the 1976-78 Cumulation of New Serial Titles, by the Library of Congress
CaOONL [1-2]-
Continentals Committee Report
by Larry Kahn
Here is a quick rundown of the recommendations of the 3-winker committee (Larry Kahn, Severin Drix, Ross Callon) that was set up at last year’s Congress. If this is too short for you, Severin, you should write your own articles before deadline time (= Hear, Hear! =)
The present Continentals must do all things at once; determine a champion, get everyone together to have Congress, and to have fun team play. The serious, competitive teams and the fun teams have difficulties in achieving their goals simultaneously.
We propose 2 Continentals. The one in late fall would be a fun continentals where a title would be won for that tournament & we would also hold Congress. This is the tournament we would try to get everyone to attend.
The serious teams tournament would be held on Washington’s birthday weekend. At the fun Continentals teams would decide whether they wanted to go serious or not, and if there were a lot of teams who did then some weeding out method would be decided among those teams (maybe by their round-robin scores and not counting the other teams’ scores).
We might try to limit the team tournament to 4 teams or so, leaving room for a marauder team that couldn’t win the title but would provide spots for people whose teams wouldn’t go serious.
Regionals probably should be retained as fun team-type tournaments since a lot of people have said they don’t want a shorter season. Maybe try to have both regionals in November and the fun Continentals in early December.
Ask Sunshine
This is a new feature in Newswink, in which readers can write in and ask * the answers to obscure/esoteric/bizarre statistical questions.
Q. Who are the career leaders in total time-limit-points? — D.L., New York, NY
A. In recent years I have only kept track of the TLP statistics for a few of the leaders. In the following chart, the first column is total TLPs in NATwA tournament play. The second column is total TLPs in all four-color games played—including international competition, unofficial tournaments, and practice games. When the person played singles, the points for both colors have been added together.
Sev Drix 4780 18,224 * 4 4586 16,802 Bob Henninge 4396 14,284* Dave Lockwood 4325 23,421 Ferd T. Bull 4067 12,141 Larry Kahn 3743 18,307 Bill Renke 3474 12,219
*does not include two Ohio practice games in December 1980 whose data I have not yet received.
Q. Who holds the record for consecutive odd scores?—D.H.L., Manhattan, NY
A. You do not indicate whether you mean “odd” in the sense of an integer not divisible by 2, or just plain “odd”. For the first kind of “odd”, Jake Solomon had a sequence of 1 5 5 1 1 3 5 1 3 1 in the 1971 Easterns and 1972 Continentals, which stands as the record in NATwA play.
Q. Who has the best record on Saturdays?—L. Weed, Gotham, NY
A. Ross Callon’s lifetime tournament record on Saturdays, before he begins to complain about the tournaments being too long, is 103-19, 4.81 ppg. The ppg drops to 4.23 if games with Bill Renke vs. Harpur B are taken out.
Q. What is the most winks sent off the table in a single shot?—Drag N., Big Apple, NY
A. Again Ross would seem to be the leader, with 24 in the 5th round of his game vs. Jim Roberts in the Quarter Century Classic.
I do not, however, recognize that tournament, so the record is 4, held jointly by 116 players beginning with Sue Gottesman in 1966. The full list is available from me on request.
Cooperative WInking
by *
Non-competitive winking reached a new high recently in Cutler, Ohio.
A few years ago, Persimmon winx appeared on the scene, creating a new concept of partnership play in which no one possesses a colour. The Tucker-two-turn has yet to appear in a tournament game and is along similar lines. Persimmons (a favorite of the Chickens and the High School) can allow for 5 or 6 players within a single game. The new variation needs only 3 players. This persimmon plays against no one—the 3 winkers rotate on the 4 colours, not just 2, and an otherwise normal game is played between red-blue and yellow-green. Besides allowing for cooperative winking, this ‘perversion’ offers a solution to the often awkward winking situation of 2 experienced and 1 noviced [sic] winkers.
(p.s. The game played in Ohio in January resulted in a 4-3 for the winx.)
Is This a Record!
by *
For the second time in their long history of non-match singles games, Bob & * achieved a naturally occurring zero-wink-free pile. Years ago they had a bizarre 2-wink pile—a warped wink leaning against the pot in such a way as to be both over and under a nearby wink. But recently, * & Bob found themselves with a 9-wink pile in which the only free wink was irrelevantly sitting on one edge of the pile. Since 5 of the 8 squopped winks belonged to Bob, including 3 large ones, he saw fit to bomb the miraculous pile.
![[+template:(Tucker Tw ID • [+xmp:title+] — publisher • [+iptc:source+] — title • [+xmp:headline])+]](https://tiddlywinks.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/1981-02-14-Newswink-12-page-19_cropped-image1-1024x852.jpg)