We look to tiddlywinks to get us back to the primeval simplicity of life.
Reverend Edgar Ambrose Willis, the first Secretary of the English Tiddlywinks Association in 1958
(one of The London Observer’s Sayings of the Year).
MIT’s two saving graces are the tiddlywinks championship of North America and incredible graffiti
Playboy, September 1969, page 195.
![[+template:(Tucker Tw ID • [+xmp:title+] — publisher • [+iptc:source+] — title • [+xmp:headline])+]](https://tiddlywinks.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/1969-09-Playboy-vol.16-num-9-page-195-col-8-excerpt-tiddlywinks.jpg)
The smart set of Des Moines (pop. 148,900), biggest city in Iowa, often amuse themselves with a parlor game: a modern variation of famed tiddle-dy-winks. […] It was invented by "that skillful player, John Cowles, 29, who is to Des Moines what a dynamo is to a powerhouse."
Time, 14 May 1928, page 26
(John Cowles was the publisher of the Des Moines Register and Tribune-Capital)
Tiddledy Winks. Shooting small disks into a cup by pressing quickly on the edge of the disks with another disk. Chief elements: Unusual Activity, Dexterity, Rivalry.
The Pedagogical Seminary, Volume 7, Number 4, page 473, December 1900
in which 79 out of 3958 boys and 120 out of 4760 girls expressed a fondness for the game. (marbles being 603 of boys/56 of girls, and baseball 2697 of boys/245 of girls)